Saturday, March 13, 2010

mindful narrations

You know that point where you are alone so much the you start having conversations with yourself? I guess my job has been allowing me way too much time to myself. But you know you officially have too much time to yourself when you start talking and carrying on complete conversations with inadamate objects. Today, I found myself talking to the ceiling. It was then that it occured to me......I need a new project. And my mother concurs. So here I sit, wondering and comtemplating the vast spaces and corners of my mind, trying to come up with some new materials and projects to do on these oh so long days and nights I have been spending away from home at work. Now, you might question, why are you bored at work? well, as a 24 hour live in caregiver, I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, but, I do have a large amount of downtime. It's a great job, but as the hours roll by, and the chores and shopping get finished.....I find a lot of alone time. It's hopefully not what I will be doing for the rest of my life, but I do love my work and It has helped me substantially to have a steady job, though demanding and time consuming. So as I sit here, I am finding I am loving that I have started to write again. Some find writing to be a chore, I find it a source of relaxation. I plan to start writing in my blog on a regular basis, again.. Hopefully, I will be serious about it yet again. But I guess we shall see.

Updates: my family is moving along. We have welcomed a new baby into the family.....Suzanna had a baby girl. I have been really involved in work, mom is moving along with life, dad is getting some teeth pulled in the next little while.........and all of us are surviving and doing our personal best. otherwise, we are boring people. lol.

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