Wednesday, May 5, 2010

writing seems so........time consuming rite now

Hey Friends and family!

I can't believe how scarce my entries are becoming. Here is an update.......
-Dad has been in the hospital again
-I work non-stop
-Mom is busy, busy, busy
-I painted my bathroom a shale grey/blue
-It's really getting hot in Las Vegas
-I have lots of friends either getting married or have gotten married this month
-Lucy Rose was born and her blessing is this Sunday!
-I find myself driving A LOT!
-Losing weight slowly but surely
-I continue to grow in my experience at work, as I gain more difficult clients
-My Testimony grows daily
..................yep, not a whole lot to report, just enough to keep me extra busy and extra tired!
Ok, ya'll back to work I go! If I don't get to more entries........Have a great month of MAY!

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