Monday, August 17, 2009

some things never change......

Hey all of you fantastic bloggers out there!

as you can see from the new blog picture entry for a dramatic yet effective entrance into my blog...... Nothing has changed! lol . I am still that weird humored girl that I have always been in the past..... plus or minus a few qualities.
Highlights from today......
- going to the gym
- getting spotlit by a cop chopper trying to find a criminal in a near by peccole ranch neighborhood....
- getting told by the same chopper to get into my house and lock the doors for my safety... while taking out the trash....
- oh... and getting one step closer to becoming a home health care employee.

ha.... so nothing much HAS really changed other than starting a new season of Mccleod's Daughters..... ps...... GO GET THIS SERIES AND WATCH IT! it's that good.

still hot and sweaty in las vegas.....


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