Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the heat is killing me!

Ten ways to tell if it is TOO HOT (even for Vegas):

10 - u find the random urge to stop at every 7-11 for a slurpee
9 - your hair only stays curled for 5 minutes before being "sweatified" into a nappy mess

8 - you see little old men in Jazzy wheelchairs going up and down the street with a wet towel over their head

7 - even the car AC is not enough to cool you down

6 - you can see the heat rising from the actual buildings as you drive by.

5 - a swim party is a daily ritual

4 - u can't keep dry for 2 seconds after stepping out of the shower

3 - every shady spot is full of sweaty people.

2 - when you get up at 8am.... its already over 100 degrees

1 - even the weather man has pit stains even though he works in a high powered AC type studio.

IT'S TOO HOT WHEN IT HITS 130 IN LAS VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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