100 Truths! After you've filled this out, tag 10 people and have them do the same.
1. last beverage : milk
2. last phone call : last night
3. last text message : Matt
4. last song you listened to : Starrstrukk by 3oh!3
5. last time you cried :a few weeks ago?
6. dropped your phone in the toilet : yes....it's a nasty accident
7. depended on someone : YES
8. dated someone twice : lol. yes
9. been cheated on : YES
10. kissed someone & regretted it : yes
11. lost someone special : too many times yes
12. been depressed : lol. yep.
13. been dumped : eh.... a couple
14. Green
15. pink
16. black
17. yellow
THIS year (2008-2009) HAVE YOU:
18. Made new friends : Yes I have
19. Fallen out of love : definitely
20. Laughed until you cried : lol... u should hear my mom and I....its common at our house
21. Met someone who changed you : absolutely.
22. Found out who your true friends were : lol. yep.....turns out i'm more popular than I thought! jk.
23. Found out someone was talking about you: in the words of Fallout Boy - "I don't care what you think... as long as it's about me...."
24. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : yep
25. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : all of them
26. How many kids do you want to have : 8
27. Do you have any pets : nope... but I want a puppy
28. Do you want to change your name : I used to.. but my name suits me.
29. What did you do for your last birthday : Went to PF Changs with mom.
30. What time did you wake up today : 7 am
31. What were you doing at midnight last night : talking on the phone
32. Name something you CANNOT wait for: the right conditions for marriage
33. Last time you saw your father : ummm.... like a week ago?
34. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: staying in college to receive my teaching degree/certificate.
35. What are you listening to right now : my mom.
36. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : heavens yes.
38. Most visited webpage : facebook
39. Whats your real name : hmmmm. not giving that one out.
40. Nicknames : doll face, sweetheart, blondie, peterpants, the bullet.
41. Zodiac sign : scorpio
42. Elementary : tobler
43. Middle School : hp
44. High school : bonanza (no, not the show)
45. Hair color : blonde
46. Long or short : short
47. Height : 5 '1 2 3 ish
48. Do you have a crush on someone : no
49: What do you like about yourself : what could I not like about me???
50. Piercings : EARS
51. Tattoos : nada
52. Righty or lefty : RIGHTY
53. First love: no comment
54. First piercing : ears for my broken arm when I was 6
55. First best friend : lol... i dunno
56. First sport you joined: tennis
57. First pet : harriet the bunny
58. First vacation : salt lake
59. First concert : nsync
60. First crush : ... not sure....
61. Eating : Nothin
62. Drinking : Nothin
63. I'm about to : take a shower
64. Listening to : didnt we already go over this? lol
65. Waiting for : colder weather
66. Want kids : I love kids!
68. Want to be: an author
69. Lips or eyes : eyes
71. Shorter or taller : taller
72. Older or Younger : older
73. Romantic or spontaneous : Spontaneosly Romantic!
74. Nice stomach or nice arms : nice attitude!
75. Sensitive or loud : sensitive
76. Hook-up or relationship : I have always been the relationship kinda girl
77. Trouble maker or hesitant: enough trouble to keep up with me! ;)
78. Kissed a stranger : no
79. Dined & Dashed : nope
80. Lost glasses/contacts : yeah but I got new ones
81. Broken someone's heart : I think so...
82. Had your own heart broken : Yes
83. Been arrested : hehehe.... wouldn't u like to know.
84. Turned someone down : YES
85. Cried when someone died : YES
86. Liked a friend that is a girl? : not like that
87. Colored your hair? : lol. yep... different color each week...jk.
88. Cut your own hair? no
89. Yourself : I TRY TO
90. Miracles : ABSOLUTELY
91. Love at first sight : only in the movies
92. Heaven : WELL DUH!
93. Santa Clause : Im undecided on this one! lol
94. Kiss on the first date : if they have really earned it then yes
95. Angels : oh yes!
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? : yes.
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time : no.
98. Liked a friends boyfriend/girlfriend?: guilty
100. Posting this as 100 Truths : crazy but true.
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