I know this is out of the usual for me to speak on such a candid and serious topic, however, I feel strongly about this one. Today, I saw a video that has changed my view on the world around me. Entitled, "KONY 2012," It is about a movement to stop a horrible man from doing horrible things that he has been doing for years in the country of Uganda. The thing is, in the video, this young man named Jacob was introduced...What really got me is his will to die, because of the things he had seen and been forced to do for this LRA (The rebels) group. Kids are abducted in the middle of the night to become child soldiers.... young girls are abducted to become sex slaves to the group's soldiers. It's a horrific experience. After watching this video, I visited the KONY 2012 site and pledged to help in anyway I can to make America more aware and to help free children who are victims of the LRA and its horrific crimes. Please, help us educate our country, and the world,on how and what we can do for others who are less fortunate than us. Look at your kids and imagine how the parents of the abducted children feel. Let's truly come together for a well worth cause. It's one that I firmly believe in.
To learn more about the Joseph KONY 2012 project, please visit:
or go to youtube.com and type in:
KONY 2012
to watch the project and help.
Thank you!
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