Saturday, January 1, 2011


hey friends......

I know i don't post too much anymore. but I had to post tonight, because while I was driving today, I realized some things. So, here it goes.
I was listening to a cd I had made a long time ago, filled with love songs.... and I figured out that lately I have been feeling like a failure in life, especially in my romantic life. I know in my life being 25 and unwed is.......frowned upon, however, I find myself to be a bit of a super hero in the dating world because I am single. Too many friends of mine have gotten married at a young age and ended up divorcing, which saddens me greatly. On a weekly basis, we are urged to get married and settle down..... but what people forget is that its a chemistry. It's not like two people can just get together and expect it work. You have to meet and make expectations. And honestly, waiting for the right people has been a journey for me. I have learned a lot in the world of dating, especially in the last year. The thing I realized tonight is..... singers sing of love and romance and fairy tales. I always wanted my own fairy tale.......but when I sit back and look at all the relationships I have had......each one had a fairy tale to give me in its own way. Even as I sit here I can't help but smile as I remember little moments. I spend so much time trying to find the next relationship or worrying that I am not married, that I haven't been able to realize all the blessings and lessons I have been granted. It's amazing what we realize when we stop being so busy, and start waking up to reality. This year, i'm going to stop and enjoy the journey more often, and start focusing on myself and less on others drama......and maybe someone will find me for a change. :)

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