Friday, October 30, 2009

24 and still going...

Mom's famous for decorating our

mom's birthday card

my favorite chocolate cake.

me at PF Changs

Matt came to celebrate my birthday with us.

Hey my friends.....

I know the updates have been few and far between lately, but in my defense, I have been working my head off. I can't believe that tomorrow is Halloween. It seems like this year has gone by so fast! Well, anyways, back to my update! I have been a live in caregiver for one of my clients, and I love it. It is a set daily schedule, and he is very happy with me there around four or five days a week. Sure, I do go crazy and nearly lose my mind, but I love that he pretty much does everything for himself. I had a good birthday; I worked and enjoyed what little I could. Mom made sure to remind me that she bought the car for my birthday....funny thing is... I never asked for anything. lol. She was nice enough to get me a few little scrub pants and a scrub jacket... and the new "This Is It" soundtrack by Michael Jackson. Shh. no one is to know I really like Michael. lol. At least he was a great singer. My employers came by with a beautiful blanket and a bundt cake that is so nummy! The day after, I came home to a large card my mom had made on the cricket. Then it was off to PF Chang's for my favorite once a year tradition of stuffing yourself with Chinese food and a divine raspberry and white chocolate drizzled chocolate cake. YUM! I did have lots of people called or facebook happy birthday too me....thanks again! Matt and I went to see "Where the Wild Things Are". It was a good but depressing movie. lol.Today, I slept all day due to just being over tired. It's nice to have a day off..... because tomorrow, I go back to work in the morning and then.....I stay there til Monday. What a life!

Happy Halloween!

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