Thursday, October 2, 2008

A good idea from Katie!

8 Things I'm Passionate About.
1. Writing
2. Music
3. Driving
4. Respect
5. Boys
6. my hair
7. Ireland
8. Sarcasm.

8 Phrases I Say Often. (They may be more like movie lines than phrases....)
1. lol.
2. OMG
3. whateve.
4. DDD... (don't do dumb)
5."Somethin's gotta give
6. *SIGH* - Thanks Jason.... now I can't stop saying that. ;)
7. "BE ON TIME!"
8. "And what do you think about that...?"

8 Things I want to do before I die (That I haven't already done yet.)
1. get a mean game of poker going.... (don't ask)
2. spend time traveling all over the world
3. Get in shape
4. Grow my hair out, super long, cut it and donate it to locks of love
5. Fall in love with the most romatic guy ever
6. Walk where Christ walked
7. Have at least one child with the husband of my dreams
8. Have the ultimate adventure... danger, mystery, romance.... the works.

8 things I want/need.
1. a car
2. A Mormon man from the ARMY. That's just hott.
3. a plane ticket to Ireland
4. New straight iron
5. A nice boyfriend
6. A deep tissue massage
7. some city slicker sexy boots to go dancing in
8. ultimate happiness.

1 comment:

Mark & Rachel said...

I defintely agree about the Mormon Army man!! But Im a little biased :-)